Life story work has evolved over the last 40 years. It originally began as a way of helping children in the care system to develop a sense of identity and continuity. Life story work takes many formats from books to later life letters and memory boxes.
Over the past 20 years, aspects of it have evolved in therapeutic life story work as a therapeutic tool to help children resolve early trauma and form secure attachments with their adoptive parents and foster carers.
My training was undertaken by Family Futures in London which draws on evidence-based practice and supporting children from the brain stem upwards. I have integrated this approach in practice with narrative therapy (devised from an aspect of family therapy) which enables children to co-author and have some control over their own narrative.
Life story work helps to establish open and honest conversations, between young people, their adoptive parents, and social workers.
How does it help?
Life story work helps to establish open and honest conversations, between young people, their adoptive and foster parents. Enabling resolving historical trauma, it is often integrated with other therapy models such as CBT and EMDR.
Your life is composed of thousands of stories
Sessions are either face to face or online, the first session will be part of an initial assessment and relationship building.