Dyadic Developmental Therapy in South Wales

I am trained to level 2 in DDP. This approach is child and family based. Therapy & Parenting of Developmentally Traumatised Children. DDP was developed by Dan Hughes as an Attachment Focused Family Therapy it is tailored to meet the needs of children who have experienced relational and developmental trauma and loss. This therapy is theoretically based on the models of attachment theory and intersubjectivity and is consistent with the needs of children and young people who have experienced developmental trauma.

It is an approach that:

  • Integrates recent research in neurobiology of trauma, early child development and attachment theory, to produce a therapeutic and parenting approach that assists professionals to understand and effectively support children with trauma- attachment problems, and their families
  • Communicates playfulness, acceptance, curiosity and empathy (PACE) in order to help the child regulate their feelings (often fear, shame and anger) associated with past experiences and to create together new meanings to be integrated into the child’s life story. 
  • Recognises the vital role which adoptive parents, foster carers and residential workers play in the recovery of traumatised, attachment-resistant children.

How does it help?

Communicates playfulness, acceptance, curiosity and empathy (PACE) in order to help the child regulate their feelings (often fear, shame and anger) associated with past experiences and to create together new meanings to be integrated into the child’s life story.

Recognises the vital role which adoptive parents, foster carers and residential workers play in the recovery of traumatised, attachment-resistant children.



Connect before you correct

Sessions are either face to face or online, the first session will be part of an initial assessment and relationship building